We provide the most economical pet grooming offers in Dubai. With efficient groomers experienced in using a variety of tools and techniques to groom pets of all sizes and breeds, we handle every service with perfection. We fulfill all the grooming expectations of the clients with their pets. As our groomers are professional, investigative, and intellectual to provide beyond the expectations of the client, we have been rated as the best station for professional pet grooming in Dubai.
The basic pet grooming package includes the fundamental grooming requirements of your pet. The package consists of professional hands-on services on bathing, brushing, trimming of paws and bum area, ear cleaning, blow dryer, cleaning eyes, healthy checkup, and trimming nails. We use quality products and tools for delivering quality services to clients. With our groomers, pets get well-aligned and gain perfect health. On-time grooming is highly recommended to all kinds of pets, such that health concerns can be rectified earliest and appropriate interventions can be done.
Looking for the best pet grooming Dubai – Choose Wooferine’s full grooming bundle and enjoy an immaculate pet spa experience!
We offer a basic to premium full grooming package to all kinds of pets. With efficient groomers well versed in handling all types and breeds of pets, we extend the most comprehensive and best pet grooming in Dubai.
Wooferine’s medicated grooming in Dubai includes a wide range of services that could offer better health and well-being to pets. This medicated grooming will help keep pets away from parasitic infections, infestations, skin and oral cavity inflammations, tooth decay, and many more diseases to which pets are highly prone.
We provide:
Address: Business Bay, Citadel Tower
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Opening Hours: Everyday 6 am – 11 pm
Phone: +971 52 103 3030
Email: info@thewooferine.com
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